Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lesson #1

I've asked myself 100 x what have I learned since Ben was DX with cancer.  So today I thought I'd compile a list of sorts to remind myself when I need to. 

Lesson #1

I've learned that when someone is in need I should help them in anyway I can small or large.

Right now besides helping with a local fundraiser, I'm gathering items for a sunshine box, for a friend of my daughter's that dad was just DX(a box of small presents that she can open one every day), sending a cute/funny card to a friend who just got DX with melanoma and I feel so helpless because she's across the US, so a good card and a message of anytime you need to talk I'm here for you, and today I read a friend's caring page, her husband coming home from the hospital after his 2nd brain surgery and now is paralyzed they need help with remodeling their doorways, so I wrote a letter and sent it to people in her community that might be able to help them.  I have to help.  I feel so strongly about this.  This is what I was meant to do, ease people in need and going through hard times. I especially can relate to those dealing with cancer, although brain cancer is it's own demon among all of them, there are similar things we all go through.

My point is, whatever you can do in your means to help someone in need do it.  It's rewarding for all!

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