Thursday, July 8, 2010

Losing this bAattle or just starting to fight it

So lastnight we were sitting here. And I started getting really bad stomach pains. It wasn't a bathroom situation OR a throwing up one either. So I instantly panicked. I hollered at Ben to take me something isn't right. This happened a couple other times and I'm so freaking out what the hell is wrong with me. So he drove me and Willow in the rain up the road to our little hometown ER. The whole time questioning what was I doing? Do I know how much this is going to cost? NO INSURANCE So I go in and boom hit with a I know the RN, she's super sweet but my wall can't come down now for sure.

So I get in the room and my pain goes away and I'm ok. I can breathe I'm not hot no panic.

I give blood give a very short version of 31 years of anxiety issues. And out the door I went with two scripts. One for tummy issues cuz I might have something going on with my gall bladder. And another for xAnax, the drug of choice cuz everybody I know is on it or has taken it for anxiety or depression. I was happy to know my blood came back OK. NOW I have to finish what I started and go see a Dr. pay for the scripts to get filled. And deal with whatever lies ahead.

On one hand I'm sick about the ER bill. For two I'm nervous about the whole Dr. thing. Trust issues I guess. Also, I feel like maybe I can feel OK again someday. I can feel happier and better and less worried all the time. Maybe I can finally get a job if I get this help I need. I didn't see worry or stress in Ben's eyes last night I saw good now she will get the help she's been needing for awhile.


One a side note full of horror! I am brainstorming for my dummies to be. I plan to get working on them this week! Or month. I know for sure I want to do the Mad scientist and witch. I am not sure what else yet...besides Michael Myers in the house looking out. lol for sure.

So how to make the bodies this year. We are dealing with massive wind and rain. So it has to be sturdy, I'm thinking wood post with concrete blocks holding it down from all angles. And somehow make waterproof body filled with filling to look like a soft human body. Then walla

I need to finish my antique stroller to set out IF it's nice out. And of course put creepy babies and dolls in it.

I have an old tub to put lit up bones in front of the witch. /with stroller to the side.

Then I want to make a lab table for the DR! And put out the little things maybe even glue them so they can't be stolen or lost or fall off??? good idea

I want to do it up this year show these people what halloween is all about! :)

I have my wooden coffin too to fill.

The storming in my brain will continue hopefully!

I have to do costumes too. Wil plans on going as a zombie 50's girl...which I could do too it would be cute!

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