Thursday, July 8, 2010

Girl Scout Treasure Hunt for backyard campout!

Brownie Girl Scout Troop #1168 Campout 2010 TREASURE HUNT!
Directions: Figure out the clues or puzzle, once you know what you are hunting for go find it!
Good Luck Girl Scouts!
(if you need help key to puzzle will be down below)
1. I spin and also cool you!
_ _ _
6 1 14
2. I light up the night!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 12 15 23 19 20 9 10
3. I'm round and sparkling!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 21 2 2 12 5 19
4. You can use me to write or draw amazing things!
_ _ _
16 5 14
5. Fill me with info, stories, or drawings!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
14 15 20 5 2 15 15 11
6. I make decorating fun!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
19 20 9 3 11 5 18 19
7. I come in many colors and you can make beautiful art with me!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
13 1 18 11 5 18 19
8. Please play a game with me!
_ _ _ _ _
3 1 18 4 19

1=A 6=F 11=K 16=P 21=U 26=Z
2=B 7=G 12=L 17=Q 22=V
3=C 8=H 13=M 18=R 23=W
4=D 9=I 14=N 19=S 24=X
5=E 10=J 15= O 20=T 25=Y

I hope the girls have fun and are was more cute with my pictures and fonts...but I couldn't get it here the same way it was done. bleh anyway here it is! When they find the item they get to keep it! going to go to Walmart and $ Tree for prizes.
FAN (small hand held)

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