Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hear that? it's been brainstormin'

So I've been doing a lot of thinking. I love the idea of an open house but if probably won't bring a lot of my family in. They have to drive 30 minutes and I'm not sure I'm worth all that! So If I had a party there a like two weekends to have it. I have an idea of doing a vintage owl theme. Invites/cupcakes/decor'.

It will all revolve around owls. Which are spooky and cute all in one.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Halloween on the brain.

So I find myself pondering the whole want to have a halloween party. It would be our first in our new house. I've done it all to simple to all out thrown together last minute to plan plan plan ahead. Always short on money. NO credit cards to speak of...what to do what to do. I browse these websites where no doubt people took a lot of their time and energy and typed out how they made this and that. I'm kinda passed all that.
I love new ideas, they are hard to come by. I look for inspiration...with horror and halloween it comes down to classic. So many things are scary to people...different things. So I go with what scares me or what would have years ago. I go with cute, scary, gorey. Honestly living in a new town I was a bit weary of what to put out, if I hang a little girl with a jumprope from a tree would that offend the 90 year old lady across the st. ? Why do I care? Well I live in a small town now, NOT like before. I lived for 8 years on a non busy st. Most people got a kick out of my decor' even taking pics in front of it, but very underground. lol Not a ton of passerbyers. So in a town like this the entire town could see my yard. So that is some pressure to say the least.
Anyway. I did see on this site how to make a body with old clothes and duct tape. I love that idea. That is something that could last and that would be moldable. I like it.
my cat is puking...nothing better to hear in the mornin than that, oh now my dog is eating it. yum...the sounds in the dark. Most people miss this stuff cuz they are sleeping. Not me.
ANYWAY...I want to drag out my Halloween stuf and get going on it. I'd love to have a place big enough to make these props of people and leave them up. That would be so cool. I still love halloween, but I want to do it up props, party, food, decor', costumes, candy, school stuff...without freaking out over the money. When you don't have extra money it's like you either never do a thing or you get real creative. I vote for the second thing! I missed halloween last year cuz we moved in OcT. not at spare second last year to plan or a dime to do anything. I don't know if I want to do a party, cuz I just don't know anyone who would family comes but no one is really into it...besides a handful a people. I am thinking open house. And the trick or treators neighbors might get an invite. maybe...ll OR just do it up for my family and if they want to come out they can. I am so tired right now I can't think straight.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Girl Scout Treasure Hunt for backyard campout!

Brownie Girl Scout Troop #1168 Campout 2010 TREASURE HUNT!
Directions: Figure out the clues or puzzle, once you know what you are hunting for go find it!
Good Luck Girl Scouts!
(if you need help key to puzzle will be down below)
1. I spin and also cool you!
_ _ _
6 1 14
2. I light up the night!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 12 15 23 19 20 9 10
3. I'm round and sparkling!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 21 2 2 12 5 19
4. You can use me to write or draw amazing things!
_ _ _
16 5 14
5. Fill me with info, stories, or drawings!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
14 15 20 5 2 15 15 11
6. I make decorating fun!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
19 20 9 3 11 5 18 19
7. I come in many colors and you can make beautiful art with me!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
13 1 18 11 5 18 19
8. Please play a game with me!
_ _ _ _ _
3 1 18 4 19

1=A 6=F 11=K 16=P 21=U 26=Z
2=B 7=G 12=L 17=Q 22=V
3=C 8=H 13=M 18=R 23=W
4=D 9=I 14=N 19=S 24=X
5=E 10=J 15= O 20=T 25=Y

I hope the girls have fun and are was more cute with my pictures and fonts...but I couldn't get it here the same way it was done. bleh anyway here it is! When they find the item they get to keep it! going to go to Walmart and $ Tree for prizes.
FAN (small hand held)

Losing this bAattle or just starting to fight it

So lastnight we were sitting here. And I started getting really bad stomach pains. It wasn't a bathroom situation OR a throwing up one either. So I instantly panicked. I hollered at Ben to take me something isn't right. This happened a couple other times and I'm so freaking out what the hell is wrong with me. So he drove me and Willow in the rain up the road to our little hometown ER. The whole time questioning what was I doing? Do I know how much this is going to cost? NO INSURANCE So I go in and boom hit with a I know the RN, she's super sweet but my wall can't come down now for sure.

So I get in the room and my pain goes away and I'm ok. I can breathe I'm not hot no panic.

I give blood give a very short version of 31 years of anxiety issues. And out the door I went with two scripts. One for tummy issues cuz I might have something going on with my gall bladder. And another for xAnax, the drug of choice cuz everybody I know is on it or has taken it for anxiety or depression. I was happy to know my blood came back OK. NOW I have to finish what I started and go see a Dr. pay for the scripts to get filled. And deal with whatever lies ahead.

On one hand I'm sick about the ER bill. For two I'm nervous about the whole Dr. thing. Trust issues I guess. Also, I feel like maybe I can feel OK again someday. I can feel happier and better and less worried all the time. Maybe I can finally get a job if I get this help I need. I didn't see worry or stress in Ben's eyes last night I saw good now she will get the help she's been needing for awhile.


One a side note full of horror! I am brainstorming for my dummies to be. I plan to get working on them this week! Or month. I know for sure I want to do the Mad scientist and witch. I am not sure what else yet...besides Michael Myers in the house looking out. lol for sure.

So how to make the bodies this year. We are dealing with massive wind and rain. So it has to be sturdy, I'm thinking wood post with concrete blocks holding it down from all angles. And somehow make waterproof body filled with filling to look like a soft human body. Then walla

I need to finish my antique stroller to set out IF it's nice out. And of course put creepy babies and dolls in it.

I have an old tub to put lit up bones in front of the witch. /with stroller to the side.

Then I want to make a lab table for the DR! And put out the little things maybe even glue them so they can't be stolen or lost or fall off??? good idea

I want to do it up this year show these people what halloween is all about! :)

I have my wooden coffin too to fill.

The storming in my brain will continue hopefully!

I have to do costumes too. Wil plans on going as a zombie 50's girl...which I could do too it would be cute!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

memories and twilight dreams

We checked out the local carnival, "flea market", tractor pulls last night. Willow was happy she found a white lamb beanie baby...she loves those things. Even though we got rid of bags upon bags of stuffed animals when we moved in last Oct. I like the little ones better...they fit nice in her lil pink net on the wall! I had huge shelves full when I was growing up. I think as a mom you forget sometimes what it's like to be little. I don't remember most of my child hood. So I try to make a point to lay off and loosen up sometimes to let her just be a kid. To find that balance of teaching how to grow up with responsibilities and then to just have fun and be silly and be a little 8 year old girl. I tried by going on rides yesterday OMG has been a very long time. I don't even remember. I didn't get sick thankfully and it was fun. I felt free and laughed and almost happy. We played a game or two. Later on my friend Angie brought her kids out. She hasn't seen my house since puddieing up holes in OCT 09. She helped me so much that day! Anyway it was awesome she made it out and they got to have a lil fun.

So I'm up early again this morning. Sadie, our 12 year old Pitbull woke me up crying. I woke up and couldn't believe we all went to bed and left the door wide open. So crazy. Nothing disturbed.

I have this naggin guilt doesn't matter how much money we have or not. If it's in the budget or not I must decide and order digital pictures. Inside info. I don't have many memories or pictures of my life growing up. So I've been taking pictures since I was 7 years old. And of course between my kitties and dog and daughter I have gotten a hobbie going. I love to scrapbook but but but $$$ always is an issue. So anyway I have a walgreens and walmart account with 100s of pics. I'm learning how to pick and choose and only order what I love. What I want to remember and keep. It's tough! And I'm backed up. Not to mention the 100s I have in boxes not in books. It makes me sick and sad. Another reason to get a job so I can afford my hobbies! (another story for another time)

My cousin Andie who recently moved to WA is beggin me to come out and visit and go to Forks, WA and stay there in a cabin. I would love to. We owe so many people how can I justify taking a trip across the country? That and my anxiety keep from having much fun. Or working for that matter which makes money tight always.

Today is the 4th of July. Most people are getting together with family. Mine is not. My dad and sisters are not in my life. While I don't sit up crying at night about it I do miss them from time to time. And Willow really misses them too. Haven't spoken in quite awhile. GUILT!

My mom probably wont' come out cuz her dog or the heat. My brother pretty much spends his time with his wife and kids and their family...don't blame him there. We've never really been much of a family. Noone ever taught us how to be. so we are with our families. And we never really get together. I feel like holidays are obligations for everybody. Not really fun. I miss Ian my brother, his wife and kids a lot. They are great people to know.

So Ben's mom and brother and daughter are coming out. Mae his mom is great...always doing for us. She is bringing food and I put the lil pool up for the kids to swim. the girls love and hate each other. And it does stress me out. She brings out the worst in my daughter. Which makes me sad and angry and all of the above. It's such a long and drama filled story and I don't want to dwell on it all right now. maybe later.

So we are going to take the girls to the carnival, have some eats, and watch fireworks hopefully seeing them from our house! That would make this a perfect day. It is now calling for rain which sucks. But what can You do???

Why do reasons of certain things become so crazy in my mind?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 4th of July weekend

Happy 4th of July weekend!

It's our first year here for the 4th. We moved to a small town of around 1000 people. I was told they love celebrating their independance.

They have a great weekend planned. It's nice to have something to do in walking distance...which this town has a shortage of...besides getting mail at the post office.

They have tractor pulls, baseball games, carnival rides, car shows, parade, and fireworks...Oh don't forget food. I'm actually excited about the rides.

Years ago I got hit in the eye with a pong ball with gun in laws back in the day when people were idiots! So anyway in a crowd I got hit, my eye swolled shut, and we left the party. Thankfully NO damage was done permantely anyway. But I never liked the 4th after that. Of course we started going and getting fireworks and my husband Ben lets them off for my daughter Willow of course. It reminds him of his dad whos been gone for years now. So we do it. We celebrate our freedom..

Although I appreciate being free somedays I wonder how free we really are.

Hope u all enjoy spending this time with your family or friends.

Happy 4th of July!

My latest and greatest obsession

Seriously obsessed with fantasizing about my 10th anniversary. Since I'm a homemaker on a seriously tight and imaginative budget I have to be creative. Next Sept 1, 2011 that is my husband and I's 10th wedding annivesary.
To start out I'd say this from the beginning horror the cheesier the better brought us together. On the nights we spent together at age 15 and 16 (1994 btw) we would choose to go to the local small town movie store and rent us the worst horror movie on the shelf. I chose strictly on gore from the back pictures. If there was none I wouldn't rent! So anyway here on out...when we got married in 2001 we were dreaming of a Halloween themed wedding on Oct 13th of course...BUT it was so normal and not original in our town to be married this way. Also falling to family's pressure and also I never went to prom so I wanted a big white dress! I kind of regret it. I feel like I didn't know myself at age 22 enough to be married or to plan a wedding. I did an awesome job but it wasn't me and it wasn't us at all!!! ANYWAY!
Faced forward to 9 years later, one kid later(8), two houses, 3 moves, lots of drama, layoff, losing family and friends...I've grown up quite a bit. And at age 31 I know myself a little more. And I dream of planning a lovely gorerific 10th anniversary dinner party. With everything I didn't get the first time. Of course money is always an issue. So I have to pick and choose what's on the top of my list. I start with a notebook of ideas...and I collect pictures online, not to steal ideas but to get an idea of what I really want. And whats been I can outdo! whwhahaha
So back to planning my 10th horror fest. IN MY DREAMS: I'd rent a horrific castle, everything would be black with blood red accents. Me in a huge red tulle dress. Think Lydia Beetlejuice. And him in a vintage burgundy tux with blood stains of course. I will decorate in all black with candles. Any horror design. Not that far yet. Simple and eerie of course. I love to make Horror food for my Halloween parties...will post pictures one day.
btw I look at other's halloween party ideas and I know I could offer something to this world with mine! Just gathering them and scanning them...would be enough to last me a lifetime.
I've done several in hopes of annually having a Halloween party but life gets in the way sometimes. Last year we moved to a new town. The problem I have with parties is that we know few people that are into Halloween. So I have decisions to make about whether I will have one this year. I love the idea of an Open House.
Anyway my thoughts are all over the place. My first blog. I hope to share and for someone out there to get something from it!

I'm all about it.

My first blog ever. I'm going to introduce this world to me with my love for horror pin up and all that follows!