Wednesday, September 15, 2010

angry or is it sad...

SO it's been 1 month and 3 days since Ben's surgery. We've gone through seizures and changing of meds, an overnight EEG nothing from that. We have bowts of anxiety that keep life strained. Draining whatever.
Yesterday he had his monthly with his neurosurgeon...then referred to a Oncologist...which we went today. I'm trying to keep strong, to reach out when I need to. Only to feel very isolated and alone mostly. I put on this brave face. I keep meds making sure everyone is taken care of. Trying to put on this mask of normalcy. I'm not normal.
This is not ok with me. I'm watching my husband suffer. I can't do anything from that tumor to stop growing.
So he's going to do radiation M-F for 6 weeks or so. Nevermind the driving 30 minutes for a 15 minute appt...or the gas money we don't have. But to see him worrying I see it in his eyes. He's scared. So strong. He's so worried that it's going to take what little energy he has now. And what if something else happens or more seizures...although it should help with them. Seeing his MRIs for the first time It's real. Ben has a tumor in his brain. They got what they could but it's in there still. It can grow deeper or wherever it wants to. As fast or as slow as it wants to.

When I met Ben I was 15...I've been with him longer than not, being 31 now...I don't know if people understand how deep this goes. He is my best friend. He is the ONLY person who has ever loved me. Or showed me unconditional love. He loves me. He makes me feel beautiful. He's laying in bed after brain surgery and he's worried about ME. lol that killed me. Seeing him after surgery killed me. It all came down on me like a ton of bricks. Basically I could lose him. How did this happen? Why did this have to happen to Ben to us? To Willow. ??? WHY?

Hope, Peace, and Love is all we have now. We don't have money to pay our bills. We don't have anything at all but each other which will have to do right?


I'm exhausted but can't sleep. I want to cry or scream or punch someone. But I'm numb. He is the most wonderful person I've ever known not just saying that he is such a great watch him lose everything then fear he'll lose his mind or body functions...or to not know me or's f'd up! It killsme. It kills me!

I know we aren't the only ones suffering from this bullshit. It's so hard. It's tough keeping up this strong FAKE brave face. I'm numb. I have to be. If I think about him or losing him I can't do this. I want to run. His greatest fear is for me to leave. And my greatest fear is losing him.


  1. Hi Autumn.

    I just saw the comments you posted on my blog and thoughts I'd check you out and answer your questions.

    Brain cancer does suck but I will say this "attitude is huge in this battle". To answer your question about my seizures. I do only take Keppra. I take 750 mg morning and night. It began working for me after about three days of taking it. (Technically I was only taking 500 twice a day at that stage but also was on Gabapentin at the time for the trigeminal issue that started this whole journey. After stopping the Gabapentin the trigeminal kicked in but upping the Keppra a bit helped it so I have been just Keppra ever since.)

    If you ever want to talk about this journey, I would be ever so happy to talk to you about it. My email is amy79a at gmail dot com.

    Huggles and keep your head up!!!

  2. I cannot believe I started this 2 years ago! I found this ONE comment on my blog and I went to check up on DreamCatcher...sadly she passed away. It was earth shattering for me, just to remind myself how fast brain cancer can come in and take what it wants when it wants. So hugs to her family! So sorry for your loss!
